Photos Related to "Yucatán"

The Abandoned Wagon in Mexico

A dilapidated wagon on a road in the tiny town of Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico.
A dilapidated wagon on a road in the tiny town of
Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico.


Detail of the main pyramid at the ruins of the Mayan city of Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico.

Detail of the main pyramid at the ruins of the Mayan city of Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico.

The Sun Behind the Steeple

The steeple of the Catholic church in the tiny town of Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico, obscures the midday sun.

The steeple of the Catholic church in the tiny town of Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico, obscures the midday sun.

Christ in the Colorful Cemetery

A crucifix atop a gravestone in a cemetery in the tiny Mayan town of Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico.

A crucifix atop a gravestone in a cemetery in the tiny Mayan town of Dzemul, Yucatan, Mexico.

Red Door, Yellow Building

A red door on a balcony stands out against the yellow walls of its environs in Progreso de Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.

A red door on a balcony stands out against the yellow walls of its environs in Progreso de Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.


A hawser, or large rope, ties the Carnival Triumph to a dock's bitt at Progreso, Mexico.

A hawser, or large rope, ties the Carnival Triumph to a dock’s bitt at Progreso, Mexico.


The main pyramid at the ruins of the Mayan city of Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico.

The main pyramid at the ruins of the Mayan city of Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico.

The Statue at Prayer

A cherubic statue atop a grave in a cemetery in the Yucatan town of Dzemul, Mexico.
A cherubic statue atop a grave in a cemetery in the Yucatan town of
Dzemul, Mexico.

Dress Rainbow

El Señor and the Bike

An older gentleman seeks relief from the relentless sun in the tiny Yucatan town of Dzemul, Mexico.

An older gentleman seeks relief from the relentless sun in the tiny Yucatan town of Dzemul, Mexico.