The Gulf of Mexico crashes against granite rocks and blocks at the base of the Galveston Seawall, Texas.
An erosion-control block of pink granite in the surf at the base of the Galveston, Texas, Seawall.
A granite erosion-control groyne stretches into the morning Gulf of Mexico surf along a Galveston, Texas, beach.
The Galveston, Texas, Seawall is pounded by surf from an incoming storm on the Gulf of Mexico.
The Gulf of Mexico roars onto granite blocks at the base of the Galveston Seawall, Galveston, Texas.
A long exposure shot of waves on granite erosion-control blocks along the Galveston, Texas, beach.
Prickly pear cactus grows among the pink granite landscape of Texas’ Enchanted Rock.
A long exposure renders the surf on these granite blocks soft and fluffy, as spotted along the Galveston, Texas, seawall.