Photos Related to "Piers"

Yellow Dolphin

The cruise ship terminal at Puerta Maya in Cozumel, Mexico, features an extension known as a "dolphin" to its pier. This structure is designed to facilitate the mooring of ships and enhance the terminal's capacity.

The cruise ship terminal at Puerta Maya in Cozumel, Mexico, features an extension known as a “dolphin” to its pier. This structure is designed to facilitate the mooring of ships and enhance the terminal’s capacity.


The chemical tanker Obsidian, docked in the evening sun at the Terminal Remota, Progreso, Mexico.

Bathed in the glow of the evening sun, the chemical tanker Obsidian lies moored at Terminal Remota in Progreso, Mexico.

Reaching Into San Pablo Bay

Bright Boat

A colorful tugboat, tied up to a pier at the Terminal Remota, Progreso, Mexico.

Terminal Remota

Ships docked at the Terminal Remota—the cargo terminal for the Port of Progreso, Mexico, at the tip of a 6.5-km-long pier that reaches out into the Gulf of Mexico.

Ships docked at the Terminal Remota—the cargo terminal for the Port of Progreso, Mexico, at the tip of a 6.5-km-long pier that reaches out into the Gulf of Mexico.

Six Masts

Adventure Awaits in Cozumel

This is a panorama. Click the photo to view it full size.

The Royal Caribbean Cruise ship Brilliance of the Seas, docked at the International Pier, Cozumel, Mexico.

The Pleasure of Twilight

The first light of morning begins to light the Texas Gulf Coast’s Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier and adjacent beach.

Surf on the Seawall

The Gulf of Mexico crashes against granite rocks and blocks at the base of the Galveston Seawall, Texas.

The Gulf of Mexico crashes against granite rocks and blocks at the base of the Galveston Seawall, Texas.

A Stormy Pleasure