Photos Related to "Nodding Donkeys"

Pumping in the Desert

A pumpjack pumps oil in the scrubby desert landscape of West Texas' Monahans Sandhills State Park.

A pumpjack pumps oil in the scrubby desert landscape of West TexasMonahans Sandhills State Park.

Pumping on the Shore

A pumpjack pumps oil on the shore of the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.

A pumpjack pumps oil on the shore of the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.


An oilfield pumpjack at North Texas' Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

An oilfield pumpjack at North Texas’ Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

Nodding at Each Other

Pumpjacks at sunrise in the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.

Pumpjacks at sunrise in the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.

Pumping Petroleum

Pumpjacks extract petroleum products on a peninsula of the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma at North Texas' Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

Pumpjacks extract petroleum products on a peninsula of the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma at North Texas’ Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

Morning Pump

The sun rises on a pumpjack on a ridge near Pottsboro, Texas.

The sun rises on a pumpjack on a ridge near Pottsboro, Texas.

Big Pumpin’

A pumpjack is silhouetted by the sun at Texas' Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

A pumpjack is silhouetted by the sun at Texas’ Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge.

The Orange Machine

Rusty Machine

Detail of a rusted pumpjack at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.

Detail of a rusted pumpjack at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas.

Pump It Up

A pumpjack is silhouetted by the morning sun near Sherman, Texas.

A pumpjack is silhouetted by the morning sun near Sherman, Texas.