Blades of grass cast shadows on a sidewalk in McKinney, Texas.
The grass-covered landscape of the Kinport Peak foothills near Pocatello, Idaho.
A fence separates pastures on farmland near Kingston, Oklahoma.
The sun sets on tall grass near Marfa, Texas.
A tangle of roots spotted under a tree in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
A tree stands tall among the grassy prairie at McKinney, Texas’ Erwin Park.
Our dog, Millie, rolls in the grass of our yard in McKinney, Texas.
Tall grass grows on the shore of North Texas’ Lake Lavon.
Sea stacks emerge from the Pacific Ocean surf at Ariya’s Beach, Gold Beach, Oregon.
Cows relax in the sun at the Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company, Point Reyes, California.