The T&P Warehouse, an abandoned structure located at the southern tip of Downtown Fort Worth in Texas, stands as a testament to architectural history, its details reflecting a past era of industrial prowess.
Union Pacific No. 4014—one of eight surviving Big Boy locomotives—on display in Fort Worth, Texas.
Wells Fargo Tower and the adjacent Bank of America Tower plunge into the Downtown Fort Worth, Texas, sky.
An abstract detail of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, designed by architect Tadao Ando, showcases his signature use of concrete and glass to create a serene yet powerful space that respects its cultural context and interacts with the surrounding environment.
The two skyscrapers that make up Downtown Fort Worth’s City Center Towers—Bank of America Tower and Wells Fargo Tower—rise into the early-morning North Texas sky.
A broadcast tower looms over Fort Worth, Texas’ Tandy Hills Natural Area.