Photos Related to "Embarcadero"

Lost Sight

A lost pair of eyeglasses, found on a sidewalk along San Francisco's Embarcadero near Pier 35.

A lost pair of eyeglasses, found on a sidewalk along San Francisco‘s Embarcadero near Pier 35.

San Francisco Scrapers

Blue Ferry

The Golden Gate Ferries' Sonoma waits at the San Francisco Ferry Building to take aboard passengers.

The Golden Gate FerriesSonoma waits at the San Francisco Ferry Building to take aboard passengers.


Quebec libre!

The Vaillancourt Fountain—also known as "Quebec libre!"—is overshadowed by San Francisco's Embarcadero Center.

The Vaillancourt Fountain—also known as “Quebec libre!”—is overshadowed by San Francisco’s Embarcadero Center.

Welcome Home

The day starts in San Francisco as the sun rises on the city.

The day starts in San Francisco as the sun rises on the city.

1915’s Clock Tower

The 245-foot-tall clock tower atop San Francisco’s Ferry Building rises into the Bay Area sky.

Morning on the Bay

San Francisco's Pier 7 stretches out into San Francisco Bay, overshadowed by the nearby Bay Bridge.

San Francisco’s Pier 7 stretches out into San Francisco Bay, overshadowed by the nearby Bay Bridge.

The Long Pier

This is a panorama. Click the photo to view it full size.

San Francisco’s Pier 9 reaches out into the cloud-covered waters of the city’s namesake bay.

Morning Fireboat

A San Francisco Fire Department boat traverses San Francisco Bay as the Bay Bridge rises into the gloomy sky of morning.

A San Francisco Fire Department boat traverses San Francisco Bay as the Bay Bridge rises into the gloomy sky of morning.

The Container’s Edge

Detail of a shipping container—an element of Tim Hawkinson's Over the Water—at San Francisco's Exploratorium.

Detail of a shipping container—an element of Tim Hawkinson’s Over the Waterat San Francisco’s Exploratorium.