Photos Related to "Dallas-Fort Worth"

Half Car, Half Truck

Detail of a classic Chevrolet El Camino, spotted on the street in Downtown McKinney, Texas.

Detail of a classic Chevrolet El Camino, spotted on the street in Downtown McKinney, Texas.

Architectural Angles

Accidental Industrial Art

This is a panorama. Click the photo to view it full size.

Concrete culverts at McKinney, Texas, construction site resemble the large art installations of sculptors such as Donald Judd’s 15 untitled works in concrete.


Baldwin's Ironweed flowers bloom brightly in the sunset at McKinney, Texas' Erwin Park.

Baldwin’s Ironweed flowers bloom brightly in the sunset at McKinney, Texas’ Erwin Park.


SH or HS?

Lost in Cowtown


The Omni Fort Worth hotel rises over cypress trees at the Fort Worth Water Gardens.

The Omni Fort Worth hotel rises over cypress trees at the Fort Worth Water Gardens.

Electric Stunts

A stunt plane loops through the evening sky as a prelude to Addison, Texas' annual Independence Day celebration, Kaboom Town.

A stunt plane loops through the evening sky as a prelude to Addison, Texas’ annual Independence Day celebration, Kaboom Town.

Grand Finale

The grand finale of the annual Kaboom Town, a celebration of American Independence Day, dazzles the sky above Addison, Texas with a spectacular display of fireworks.

The grand finale of the annual Kaboom Town, a celebration of American Independence Day, dazzles the sky above Addison, Texas with a spectacular display of fireworks.