Photos Related to "Buildings"

Storm’s Brewin’

Storm clouds rolling into Collin County, as seen from the Eastside Village parking garage in Downtown Plano, Texas.

Storm clouds rolling into Collin County, as seen from the Eastside Village parking garage in Downtown Plano, Texas.

Graph Paper

The regular square patterns of the windows on the Thanksgiving Tower in Downtown Dallas reflecting the Republic Center and its rocket-like spire resemble a giant sheet of graph paper.

The regular square patterns of the windows on the Thanksgiving Tower in Downtown Dallas reflecting the Republic Center and its rocket-like spire resemble a giant sheet of graph paper.


Skyscrapers in Downtown Dallas.

The Westin Hotel and the Metropolitan in the Downtown Dallas sky.

The Old Mill

Sheraton Skylight

Through the skylight of the portico at the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Dallas on a rainy Saturday.

Through the skylight of the portico at the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Dallas on a rainy Saturday.

The Tower, Reflected

Downtown Dallas' Energy Plaza, reflected in an adjacent skyscraper's windows.

Downtown Dallas’ Energy Plaza, reflected in an adjacent skyscraper’s windows.

Stormy Window

Storm clouds form over a historic brick building in Downtown Hico, Texas.

Dark storm clouds gather above the historic brick structures of Downtown Hico, Texas, casting an ominous shadow over the area.

Chase Bank

Smoked Windows, Black Tower

Abstract detail of the Plaza Tower building in Tyler, Texas.

An abstract representation of the Plaza Tower in Tyler, Texas, capturing the essence of its architectural design.


The clouds cast their ethereal reflection upon the glass facade of a modern office building at Hall Office Park in Frisco, Texas, creating a mesmerizing tableau that blurs the line between the heavens and the earth.